Empower Women: Volunteer to Address Gender Discrimination Socially and Legally

Real Journey Nepal is dedicated to empowering women in Nepal through education, support, and training initiatives.

In many remote rural areas of Nepal, issues like child labor, domestic violence, and sexual exploitation disproportionately affect girls. Traditional practices often deny girls access to education, perpetuating their financial dependency and limiting their awareness of fundamental human rights. Moreover, discriminatory laws regarding inheritance, divorce, and justice for victims further exacerbate gender inequalities. Since its establishment, Real Journey Nepal has actively launched projects aimed at addressing these challenges by providing education, skill development, and economic and legal empowerment for women across Nepal. These efforts are aimed at creating sustainable change and fostering a future where women are empowered to assert their rights and achieve their full potential.

English language ability is a vital component to a good education in Nepal. Volunteer to teach English in a school and you will give your pupils a huge head start in life.

How do volunteers help?


Volunteers with Real Journey Nepal have numerous opportunities to support women’s groups throughout Nepal. Our organization collaborates closely with community-based women’s organizations, tailoring programs based on their specific needs and priorities. These initiatives focus on skill training, legal education, and English language instruction, all aimed at fostering sustainable economic development and resource utilization within local communities. Skills such as sewing, weaving, tailoring, beautician training, paper-making, shop management, animal husbandry, toy-making, and small business development are among the diverse training programs offered. By leveraging local resources and materials, volunteers play a crucial role in empowering women to enhance their livelihoods and achieve greater economic independence.

Real Journey Nepal collaborates closely with various NGOs dedicated to empowering women, offering opportunities for international volunteers to make a meaningful impact. Volunteers can engage in training women to become journalists, paralegals, or assist with marketing and fundraising initiatives. For those with a commitment of two months or more in Nepal, there’s the chance to help establish new women’s groups in underserved communities. These initiatives are pivotal in fostering women’s empowerment across Nepal, providing invaluable support and skills that contribute to their professional growth and community development. Join us in making a difference and empowering women through meaningful engagement and sustainable initiatives.

To develop the women’s groups, you may get involved in following volunteering activities in Nepal:

English & Computer teaching: Teaching of English language and Computer to the women is one of the most effective program taking place at the Centre. Volunteers can create and deliver comprehensive Spoken English and Computer lesson, though VSN has provided several reference books. The classes are divided into three categories- Basic, Intermediate and Advanced.

Women’s support education: Present information to the members about relevant women’s issues in Nepal or globally.

Health Education: Hold an educational program on home hygiene and family health.

Overseas marketing support: Provide marketing services in your home country for clothing, candles, or other handicraft products that can be produced by this group.

Grant Writing: Search for and apply to grant making foundations that will support the planned activities at the Women’s Resource Centre.

A market analysis for potential projects: Conduct a market analysis of skills, products or services that can be set up by the Everest Foundation Women’s Resource Centre. Take steps towards making these income-generating activities.

Do a value chain analysis for potential projects: Perform a value chain analysis for a viable industry, product or service and determine how the members can fill roles in the chain from basic production to marketing and vending

Business Training: Educate the women in financing, accounting, or business development for the enterprise in question

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